2018 Champion Mobile Home 1BR/1BA 8×48 384 sqft WZ3-A/C-W/D Hookups
-30-40 lb roof load
-Thermal Zone 3
-low E thermal pane windows
-30×40 kitchen window
-shingled roof
-motion detector ext lights
-36×76 outswing exterior doors
-extra steel sister I-Beam for durability
-200 amp electric
-40 gal water heater
-brass shutoff valves t/o
-2×8 floor joists
-2×6 ext walls
-2×4 interior walls
-radiant barrier roof decking for increased energy efficiency
–Wide hallways
-3 or 2 bedroom homes
-thermal zone 2 upgraded insulation
-Manufactured Home Coded
-*furnished homes (most have furniture)
-appliances are included
-built in AC
-fire suppression capable
-heavy duty construction for high winds and HOT & COLD climates.
Pricing does not include shipping and installation.